Sunday, September 03, 2006

Windy Weddings, Wine, Wine, Wine, and Male Models
Had a great Saturday despite the cold and dreary dampness!
Let's start at the end before the beginning. Poor Lars got his hair seriously chop-shopped while doing a runway show for Prada. (more later...)

Callum encouraged me to go to the gym. Here I am post-tan and pre-stationary bike on which I read and caught up w/all of the most pathetic celebrity gossip. I've got to remeber to bring a BOOK next time!

We made is just in time for Caitlin and Kale's Wedding at Milagros, in Tivoli. The space, a former church, is available for events. Pictured here is the upstairs (they have a chair lift for disabled folks). Kathleen Mandeville presided. Caitlin and Kale shared their own vows in the midst of a 20 person wedding party and 200+ other guests of freinds and family.

It was a beautiful service. I cried even!

Caitlin and Kale and their posse, did a bang up job on decorating the church/event space.
(That's Jen in her fab little black dress.)

Not only does Milagros have a cool upstairs bathroom, it was actually free. When you've got to go really bad it is such a high to find a truly pretty watercloset all ready and waiting for you!

OK- so we snuck out for an hour or so to another party nearby. Nicole is an old freind I ahrdly get to hang out with. I really wanted to show my support and see the freinds and student she's amassed since I introduced her to the area. (I can't take all the credit but it did start in my office at the CIA in 1999 when she temp'd for me -fresh from Kentucky!)

Pilates students of Nicole hosted the party for her at their lovely home. Callum was drooling over the in-home pro espresso center.
, snaps a shot. Check out Nicole's website- she has great studio on Warren Street.

Someday I will have a bookshelf like this- complete with the ladder on rail...

Here's some screen porch ideas for Courtney. It's time now to share the link to her fabulous blog (See my raves about it in my first entry)

Quite a lovely house. I think I overheard someone saying it's on the historical register.
The air was charged w/pre-storm energy and vibe.

Callum fed the fire, a potbelly in the yard. We're totally going to copy that idea.
(We're working on his "look" so be patient- He's not angry here, really)

This is me against the solid rock wall and birch tree mise en scene.
I was hoping the wind would pick me and take me away with it...

I like these colors on me, non?

This is just part of the wine, wine, wine. I was supposed to be having only beer. Oops. I did acually have some water too.

This is a special ham from Kentuckythat Nicole's dad sent on.
I couldn't get enough of it!

OK, I know 2 bathrooms in one blog post is excessive BUT can you blame me?
Large soapstone sink, toilet & bidet, open tiled shower-for-two. I felt like I was back in France...

I made freinds with Lars, a male model. Look at those cheek bones. We actually had a really great talk about the bizness. I was not surprised to hear that Zoolander jokes and references are still common within the modeling community. That was a pretty silly but funny and lighthearted comedy. I'm going to watch it again soon!
Callum couldn't take it any longer and made me leave.
I'm going to email Lars back about apartment possibilities in NYC. if anyone else knows of any-let me know.

We went back to Milagros and enjoyed delicious carrot wedding cake.
We danced the rest of the night away with CAitlin and Kale and friends including Graziella P. and Natasha B.S.
Oh yeah, I just remebered we walked down to the Moray and snuck in their closed dining room while Callum had a beer. It's much swank-er than when "Ruth" used to run it...

Ok that's it. This post has taken me an hour. That's too long. But this is why I take photos; to tell a story. I've got to maybe give myself a time limit or something. Hey, at least these aren't attached to an long-winded email sent to an unsuspecting group of my friends...


Blogger Cornelia Read said...

Two WCs, a bidet, and "mise en scene" in one post--BRAVA!!!!

6:46 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Nice to post this pictures for the Guest house edinburgh..

10:06 PM  

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