Saturday, September 02, 2006

Puff Balls and Game Birds
Yesterday at Warren Kitchen & Cutlery was SO busy. Not only did we have lots of new Japanese cool ceramics to put out but I started two new weddingh registries. Mom quit her job and got two new part-times in the same day! (hwlping a high-end sweater knitter and me@ WKC!)
Helped customers right up to 6:30 (store closes at 5:30) then striahgt home
Did a quickie recipe test for
Pan-Seared Quail w/Creamed Leeks (I used Squab instead)
and Roast Chukar (partridge) Warpped in Bacon and Thyme. (Photos)
AND Puff ball steaks fried in butter (Photos)
Callum was so crazy about the squab (all dark meat) but I thought it was fine. Creamed leeks came out perfect depsite the long-ish cooking time . (Recipes will be published at end-of month so I'll post whole article then)

Big clean-up and then turned in early and actually watched a whole movie w/o falling asleep- REal quality stuff: The New Dukes of Hazard. All-star cast.
I love Willie Nelson!
That's all for now!
(I still don't know how to get photos in-step w/ corresponding text...)


Blogger Cornelia Read said...

Dude, NICE PUFFBALL!!! I am having such a great time reading your blog.

To get the pictures where you want them, cut and paste after you load each one. They'll come in at the top of the window thingie in Blogger, then you can move them down to wherever you want them. I usually put a few returns down in the text so I remember where I want each one to go. Does that make any sense? I finally figured it out, but am not sure I can explain it properly since I haven't had enough coffee yet this morning.

And hey, I was thinking of you last night when I went to this other blog of a woman who's a regular on Lee Child's forum. She's just arrived in Antartica, and will be the lead baker for all the people down there for the "summer."

I don't know her well but she sounds most excellent.

9:20 AM  
Blogger Jessica Bard said...

Of course I'm reading your helpful hints AFTER I just made another mess of photo/layout in last post. BUT your comments make sense to me now. I will get better w/time. I will check out icewrite soon. Can't keep my head up anylonger.

5:10 PM  

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