Monday, August 28, 2006

My first Post. Many thanks to those who have lit the intellectual fire under my ass and inspired me to get my own blog going. Actually,

it's more been more like a smoldering flame but just recently, enough things have happened to fan the flame- it has burst, shooting high, wide and bright, like freshly-airbrushed orange and red licks on a Harley gas tank.

Special thanks to my blonde blogging muses;
  • Beth Humprhey, pictured here at last year's b'day @NWHC-we celebrate this year on Sept 7; stay-tuned), Actually- Beth, I must call you out on this; I've never seen your blog. However, you have ritually insisted I should get one going; write a little bit everyday. Thank you.
    FYI Beth has saved all my letters I ever wrote her and given them back to me for not-so-fictional biography fodder. Let's just say they are under lock-n-key until the time is right!Check out this FABULOUS artist
  • Courtney Pyle, bon vivant, travelouger and non-western antiquities expert (I'll wait to post a link to her blog-not sure what the etiquette is...)
  • Cornelia Read, author extraordinaire, . I'm reading and immensley enjoying her book "A Field of Darkness"

Though they are not related, except by hair color and knowing me, they each embody the power of open journaling; sharing travel tales, vivid visuals, humour, and wit right along with self-deprecating emotional tail-spins and plain 'ole pain.
Courtney and Cornelia's blogs are worth emulating; light-hearted-descriptive narratives, poingant prose, and Nat Geo quailty photos -or aptly funny researched google-reference pics. BUT I'm sure whatever is going to come of this; out of my head and my eye, will be purely "me."
It will take a while before I reach their heights. For now, I will try and write complete sentences and spell things right.
Beware: I will still use CAPITOL letters and ...s, and dashes for emphasis. I will try not to use too many exlamation points or unecessary words. Strunk & White still has a place on my desk. I'll give it a going over if I really get into this free-writing thing. I've been lucky to have good editors work over my recent pieces: "Make Room for Basil" and "The Finer Side of Upland Hunting and Target Sports in the Hudson Valley".
At this moment I really should be doing a cooking class schedule email notification...and spending a little time with my new husband. He's just back from BASS FISHING (see photo of last year's catch) at the neighbors and kibbutzing with their college-aged son, Elliot, about HOME-BREWING. (see photo of FIRST batch)
But I'm really enjoying this (20 minutes so far) and I hope to keep it up. I aspire to use the phrase "Dear Reader..." or some such nonsense IN THE FUTURE ...
I know I can't stop this blog yet because I have many more muses to thank and rave about. What do you call a male muse?
Over-n-Out. Jessica


Blogger cpc said...

Deearest flinally-blogging jessica -
am beyond honored to be included in your first post group. Thank you and yes, please do link to and I'll link back to yours. And this way, will corner the web one day...
Wishing you luck and many blissful postings.
Love and hugs Courtney

10:13 AM  
Blogger Cornelia Read said...

YAY JESSICA!!! Blog on, dear dude-ella...

I'm trying to think of a name for a male muse--amuse-couche? Apparently that could mean an entertaining layer of dust, though. Hmmmmm.......

10:44 AM  
Blogger Jessica Bard said...

Thank you both! I'm laughing a lot these days and that is good. Boy, do I love humor.
I'll spare the long response here and save it for another POST.
ee gads- I'm late for owrk though and will wait until AFTER tonight's reunion dinner with another boarding school hero... (Cornelia being one too!)

6:48 AM  

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