Thursday, August 31, 2006

Overwhelmed. Dont' know where to start tonight's post.
I will revert to LISTing
Today's accomplishments :
  • Selpt in! Only 'cause i had to w/humungo hang-over.
  • took long bath
  • checked in on Grama
  • Drove to Kingston, hanging on to steering wheel tightly as I thought I might hurl at any moment. Super Woozy.
  • 11:30AM Dentist for 3 replacement fillings for celebrity-type smile (and perhaps improved health w/ less mercury amalgams in mouth!) Certainly a celebrity-style bill at four hundred and seventy six dollars! The nitrous helped my head very much but I was still quite out-of-it.
  • Picked up headset for new cell phone (and nextdoor to cellone- a pint of my favorite Tangerine Peel Chickel- not easy to eat w/ half of mouth but I managed!) which I ate in the parking lot of Adam's while reading Cornelia's book. Another murder! Awful and exciting all at the same time.
  • Went in to Adam's for my game birds- A hundred and ninety-two dollars worth! I was going to shop a bit more but I felt that was enough expenditure for one day and remember, I felt like SHIT - (I'm spelling out the money in case callum reads this- his eyes won't go right to the money part...)
  • Straight home after that.
  • Callum had had to move stuff on my desk to get his IP phone to work- so he can have super-legit homeoffice for telecommuting! I started doing other stuff to oganizzzzzzzze my office and started to feel better.
  • Grama was snoring., never got dressed. She's been feeling badly.
  • Gas company called and instructed me how to turn on gas tank and relight pilot lights in stove. A little scary.
  • Called the car guy and confirmed my appointment for the 92 Jetta's month-late inspection- plus wheel bearings, rotar, caps, plugs, air filter and the ever-present VW door-handle debaucle.
  • A few more minutes at my desk. Returned a few emails for next food styling job and concurrently came up with a recipe story to pitch: harvest desserts -Almost started working on it but was called by Callum telling me he saw my cat by the compost pile.
  • Finally, Stokr had returned after almost 3 weeks missing. I coaxed her to the barn and fed her and cuddled with her for a bit. Then I locked her in so I could get some more work done. But alas. Grama was a bit stinky.
  • I could feel my day slipping away from me.
  • Showered Grama; washed her hair and her back. Dried between her toes and lotioned her up. As much as I hate doing all this for her I love to do it for her.
  • Back at desk and realizing it's the 31st I had to pay some bills on-line. I managed three transactions and then out to kitchen.
  • Swept the floor which was disgusting. Cleaned the top of the stove. NOT easy. I mean the full monty: oven cleaner, brillo pad, sharp knife and spatula to scrape off caked-on and baked on crud. My Dad had the audicity to say I missed a spot and about how he did it last time and we should have better scrubbers etc. I just wish he would say 'thanks" once in a while.
  • Emptied stinky flower vases and cut the stems of the gladiolas and rearranged them.
  • Cooked purple potatoes and kale that Graziella had brought the other day. If I don't cook this good stuff it will just sit there.
  • Made Grama a plate with leftover sliced london broil. She ate in her room.
  • Started a load of laundry (but forgot to start the machine so there it sits and now Bob is showering so it'll have to wait until tomorrow.
  • Callum clocked out and cooked burgers in the barn and forgot to call me when they were ready and forgot that I was cooking the sides. Miffed but hungry, I joined them and made them eat their starch & veggies.
  • Short session with the cat and decided to let her roam in the barn while I sorted all the shit from last night's cookout at the tipi. It was dark, we were drunk. Everything was shoved in baskets and totes. I made quick work of it though and CAllum is washing the dishes and emptying coolers.

  • On my way back to the house with olive oil and heavy cream, Bob caught me just outside the garage and noted how "we" should weed the stream flowers before the weeds go to seed which would be any minute. I put the food down and weeded for about 20 minutes. They pulled easily as it had been raining; the stalks swollen with water. I deadheaded the lupine and primroses and trimmed off dead fern fronds. It was rewarding and I'm glad I took the time. And I was wearing white, well-off white. It's awfully close to labor day.
  • Fed the cats.
  • Gave Grama her pills and some cold medicine.
  • put dishes in the dishwasher, did a few items handwash, wiped counter, checked the litter box, left a note for dad to light the oven pilot which I had forgotten.
  • it's never fucking ending around here.
  • Back at my desk, I had to print out yet another layout- turns out I'm styling 2 stories on the same day. I'm going to charge EXTRA. Salsa Cruda and SMashed Potatoes- should eb fun regardless. Fine Cooking's Web master asked me to do 2 on-line videos for working with puff pastry and phyllo dough! ANd they also just added a possible demo gig (to represent the magazine) at a resort in February.
  • Last nigth I designed a newsletter for Warren Kitchen and set-up an account with Constant Contact to manage the email list. It's 8:30 now and I want to go to bed BUT I will spend a few more minutes on this computer. Maybe YOU will get the newsletter sooner than you think!
  • the clock is wrong on the front page just so's you know.
Thanks for listening!


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